An Introduction To: TTK Leak Detection

What is leak detection?

Leak detection is the process of finding and locating leaks in pipes, tanks, roofs, or other systems that contain fluids or gases. After a leak is detected or there is a cut/break in the cable the system then alerts the operators of the incident and its exact location. With the TTK leak detection, operators can pinpoint the leak to the nearest meter, allowing a quick and easy response to a leak or a damaged system.

Leak detection is important for companies adhering to government regulations, looking to reduce property damage and economic costs due to a leak, and reducing the environmental impact of a leak. The system not only provides protection against worst case scenarios, but leak detection gives assurance there is consistent product quality, among other benefits.

How does it work and what makes TTK unique?

TTK leak detection system works by using conductivity between wires as a conductive fluid is introduced. The first of which allows for an opening that water, or other fluids, can flow into. As the fluid flows into the cable there is a second wire that focuses on conductivity. As the conductivity increases the signal to the controller is changed and the alarm is triggered due to an irregular amperage.

What are some applications?


1. Data Centers – Detection of water, hydrocarbon, and acid leaks that may impact data center building applications.

2. Technical Rooms – Used in rooms that contain water heaters, switches, and batteries to ensure normal function for that building.

3. Transportation – Can be used in airport terminals, control towers, and subway terminals.

4. Chilled Water Pipes – Covers vertical spaces as risers.


1. Laboratories / Cleanrooms – Typically used in manufacturing or scientific research. Used in semiconductor manufacturing, biotechnology, and other fields that are sensitive to contamination.

2. Industrial Premises – Nuclear reactors, production lines, server rooms, and storage areas.


1. Oil Storage Tanks – Anywhere there is an oil storage tank and is important in detecting leaks due to corrosion.

2. Generators – Can be found in data centers, health care sites, airports, and critical mission facilities.

3. Airports – Jet fuel hydrant systems that may be located in an airport, air force base, or petrol station.

4. Pipelines – Can be used on oil or water pipelines to detect leaks


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